[2.14.25] SB 893 Legalization of Gambling Hawaii
As of February 14, 2025, Hawaii Senate Bill 893 (SB893) has been deferred EDT (Economic Development and Technology Committee) & CPN (Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee). The bill proposes granting twenty-year licenses for casinos in the New Aloha Stadium Entertainment District and the Hawaii Convention Center. It also aims to establish the Hawaii Gaming Control Commission, impose a fifteen percent wagering tax on gross receipts, and create the State Gaming Fund and a Compulsive Gambler Program.
Recent Actions:
January 17, 2025: SB893 was introduced in the Senate.
January 21, 2025: The bill passed its First Reading.
January 23, 2025: Referred to the Economic Development and Technology (EDT) Committee.
February 6, 2025: The EDT Committee recommended that the measure be passed with amendments and be recommitted. The vote was 3 Ayes (Senators DeCoite, Wakai, Fukunaga) and 2 Noes (Senators Kim, Awa).
February 7, 2025: The bill was reported from the EDT Committee with amendments (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 116) as SB893 SD1 and recommitted to the EDT Committee.
February 10, 2025: A public hearing was scheduled by the EDT and Commerce and Consumer Protection (CPN) Committees for February 13, 2025, at 1:03 PM in Conference Room 229 and via videoconference.
February 12, 2025: The bill was re-referred to the joint committees of EDT/CPN and Judiciary (JDC)/Ways and Means (WAM).
February 13, 2025: The committee on EDT (Economic Development and Technology Committee) & CPN (Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee) has deferred the measure.